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David Owen

David Owen


Bio Coming Soon

Michael Cowley

Michael Cowley


With long and successful tenures at numerous leading construc­tion material manu­fac­turers, Michael brings a wealth of know­ledge and exper­i­ence to Dragon Asphalt. When Combined with his passion to deliver world class customer service Mike is the ideal leader to ensure Dragon Asphalt delivers the best possible value to it’s customers.

Chris Barron

Chris Barron

Managing Director

Chris has over 18 years of exper­i­ence deliv­ering the highest levels of customers service with the last 14 years dedic­ated to the collect asphalt market. Experienced both oper­a­tion­ally and commer­cially Chris has a broad under­standing of what our customers want and need and how to deliver industry leading service.

07741 666 183

Support Team

Sharon Shelley

Sharon Shelley

Accounts Administrator

Sharon is a qual­i­fied accountant with over 30 years exper­i­ence during which she has had the oppor­tunity to work closely with a wide range of companies diverse in both their indus­tries and nation­al­ities.  Sharon joined the team after swap­ping the heat of Cyprus, where she lived for 18 years, for the rain and cold of the valleys.  In her spare time, she enjoys finding new places to explore.  Sharon is great with numbers but just as great at looking after our customers.

0787 951 9849

Sam Sterry

Sam Sterry

Business Development Manager

Sam has joined Dragon Asphalt having previ­ously worked within the prop­erty devel­op­ment industry for a regional house­builder where he has acquired the expertise to find new loca­tions for busi­nesses. Along with his in-depth exper­i­ence in dealing with all things legal, plan­ning and construc­tion, his exper­i­ence in finding new sites will help Dragon Asphalt deliver a national network of loca­tions. Sam has a passion for numbers, having a degree in Financial Economics and is an avid golfer and formula 1 fan.

Newport Site Management

Marcus Jones

Marcus Jones

Business Manager

Marcus brings high street customer service to the construc­tion industry. A successful career with Supermarket giant ASDA means Marcus is completely customer focused. Time as a produc­tion manager also means Marcus has a strong under­standing of manu­fac­turing processes, quality control and envir­on­mental factors. Marcus has time and time again demon­strated his ability by succes­fully completing his degree in asphalt and Pavement tech­no­logy from Derby University and being promoted to Site Supervisor and then again to Business Manager (Newport). 
Sam Gallagher

Sam Gallagher

Site Supervisor

With over 10 years exper­i­ence in the aerospace industry working in a fast paced produc­tion envir­on­ment Sam is no stranger to manu­fac­turing high quality product and deliv­ering the highest level of customer satis­fac­tion. Sam has a new envir­on­ment swap­ping the luxury of first class cabins of planes to manu­fac­turing first class asphalt he has has brought a new range of skills and exper­i­ences to the team.  Quickly being promoted from his oper­ative role to site Supervisor Sam has developed a broad under­standing of asphalt manu­fac­turing and customer service.

Newport site team

Rhys Morgan

Rhys Morgan

Site Operative

Rhys joined Dragon from Ballast Phoenix where he acquired know­ledge of aggregate hand­ling and processing. Prior to Ballast Phoneix Rhys had worked with civils contractor Barden Network Engineering installing new Fibre Optic networks across the UK. Rhys has a passion for flying and is currently working towards his pilots license, combined with his strong academic back­ground and A‑Levels in advanced busi­ness studies Rhys is a real high flying Dragon.
Chris Jones

Chris Jones

Site Operative

Chris Bio coming soon

Grant Lacey

Grant Lacey

Site Operative

Grant joined Dragon Asphalt in February 2019 after a period working for material manu­fac­turing heavy weight Cemex. Grant has a passion for all things mech­an­ical, his spare time is spent building and racing banger cars and Grant brings these mech­an­ical skills and passion to Dragon. With reli­ab­ility being so important to our customers it’s always good to know we have such a talent avail­able to keep things running smoothly.
Tom Berry

Tom Berry

Site Operative

Tom Berry Bio coming soon

Rhys Piper

Rhys Piper

Site Operative

Rhys piper joined Dragon from Procomm where he had spent 2 years constructing modular build­ings to customers specific require­ments.  With a strong under­standing of what is important to the customer and how to design and deliver a solu­tion that meets their require­ments our customers should be confident that they will get exactly what they expect when Rhys is involved! 

Outside of asphalt Rhys is a real family man choosing to swap the rugby field (it’s been reported he spent more time at the bar than on the pitch) to spend more time with his “fit” wife and “two little prin­cesses”.  He claims to enjoy the gym but we all have our doubts that he has ever been to a gym.

Stanton Site Management

Sam Hewitt

Sam Hewitt

Business Manager

Sam has spent 10 years within industry, covering both asphalt and quar­rying oper­a­tions in various roles meaning he is suit­ably equipped to run our Stanton busi­ness and deliver the effi­ciencys that trans­late into top quality material and world class relab­ility and turn­arounds.  Sam completed his degree in Minerals manage­ment at the univer­sity of derby, with such a broad know­ledge Sam is an asset to the entire busi­ness.  A keen but not so talented darts player Sam hits the bull­seye every time when it comes to customer service even if he can’t hit one on a darts board.

Jack Dainty

Jack Dainty

Site Supervisor

Jack joined from online heavy weight Amazon, where he was health and safety officer. Having held previous roles in the concrete sector on process plants he brings a wealth of produc­tion, H&S, quality and customer service skills that will be a massive bonus to the Dragon team at Stanton. Jack likes spending time with his family in their campervan on long weekends.

Stanton site team

Ben Holmes

Ben Holmes

Site Operative

Joining Dragon from a service role with optical health giant Specsavers Ben knows how to deliver profes­sional service ensuring our customers at Stanton get the best exper­i­ence every time.  Ben suggests our slogan should be “Should’ve gone to Dragon”

Lewis Woodward

Lewis Woodward

Site Operative

BIO Coming soon

Jack Holmes

Jack Holmes

Site Operative

BIO Coming soon

Trafford Site Management

Phil Rudd

Phil Rudd

Business Manager

Phil Rudd Bio coming soon

Jack Tebay

Jack Tebay

Site Supervisor

Jack Tebay Profile

Trafford site team

Joshua Short

Joshua Short

Site Operative

Josh Short bio

Jordan Barber

Jordan Barber

Site Operative

BIO Coming soon

Patryk Karolak

Patryk Karolak

Site Operative

BIO Coming soon

Contact us

Please select a site:

Newport | Stanton | Trafford

Newport Site

Dragon Asphalt Ltd,
Newport Depot,
16 West Way Road,
Alexandra Dock,
South Wales NP20 2WD

Stanton Site

Dragon Asphalt Ltd,
Stanton Depot,
Crompton Road,
Ilkeston DE7 4BG

Stanton Site

Dragon Asphalt Ltd,
Nash Rd,
Trafford Park,
Manchester M17 1SX

Opening hours

  • Mon to Fri: 6:00 – 15:00
  • Sat & Sun: 6:00 – 10:00

Dragon Asphalt Ltd.

Dragon Asphalt Ltd.

Dragon Asphalt Ltd.